
freelance anime artist

cheeb: peachyfrost


$15 per emote | $40 for 3 | $80 for 6
28px, 56px, 112px, and 500px (original size)
If you want more than 6, please let me know and I will further discount it.


$35 per icon
1000 x 1000px | chibi or regular



$35 headshot | $50 thigh-up | $70 full-body
2000 x 2000px | transparent/solid


$15 headshot | $25 thigh-up | $30 full-body
1000 x 1000px | transparent/solid


$40 per chibi
2000 x 2000px | transparent/solid

Lil Nommie YCH

$15 per YCH
*500 x500px | transparent/solid
Please fill out this form if interested:•Hoodie type/color(s):
•Which food:
•Eyes type:
•Background color:
•Any add on(s):

Terms and conditionsBy commissioning me you are accepting to these terms and conditions:-DO NOT USE MY ART IN NFTs/BLOCKCHAINS- Commissions are for personal use only, do not use or reproduce them for profit or commercial use.
- Commissioners are free to edit their commissions for personal use.
- As I retain rights over the commissioned work, I am allowed to post them at my own discretion. If it is a gift or for an upcoming project, please let me know so I can avoid posting until after.
- Payment is due to up front, unless it is a bulk order. (50% down payment, 50% when sketches are approved) I accept payment through Paypal and Venmo.
- My turn around time for commissions are usually 1-2 week(s) but can take to 3 to complete. Sketches/wips will be send to you during the progress.
- If you decide to cancel the commission and it's entering the lining stage/coloring, I can only refund 50% of the total cost. If this happens more than once, I will have to respectfully decline your commissions moving forward.
- I reserve any right to decline a commission if I do not feel comfortable drawing it.